On Jul 17, 2007, at 6:31 AM, Clinton Gormley wrote:
You should not share connections between processes.  You will end up
with segfaults.

Thats a 'best case scenario'. More typically, you'll just have a ton of transactional issues and not have any integrity on your database of app/db logic.

On 7/17/07, Clinton Gormley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But yes, 150 connections may be a lot depending on your database.
However, if you need 150 mod_perl children, then it is a busy site, and
you need a database server big enough to support it.

Anthony, Clinton is right.  I suspect you haven't done an assessment
of how many mod_perl processes you can fit on your hardware.  If each
one took 50MB (very possible), you would need more than 7GB of RAM in
your mod_perl machine to run 150 processes, or else a cluster with
that much RAM.

Seconded. can you even run 150? i've got 4gb on mine, and we max out at 20. sure, we can spawn 150, but after 20 there hasn't been any added benefit ( law of diminishing marginal utility ) and after 30 we ran into memory issues ( as memory unshares, you can run less processes ). we found 20 ideal for our current setup. your milage may vary (and ours has as the codebase is tweaked )

If you do these things and you still need more connections, Oracle
does provide tools for pooling connections at the database server
itself.  You can ask your DBAs about them.  Being Oracle DBAs, they
will probably just say it doesn't work and refuse to try it, but it
may be worth checking.  You can also look at sqlrelay.

i'll second sqlrelay.  its great.

This is the key to remember.  Pooling connections is only useful if
you have open connections in processes that are sitting around doing
nothing.  That should not be the case if you tune your mod_perl as
suggested above.

pooling connections can also be useful if you segment db connections and transactions within a request cycle. ie: if you only need to read a single table on an early phase , you should be able to pool 2 connections for 10 children , as any wait time will be offset by db blocking in later request cycles of your app. thats theoretical though, i haven't had the need/time to try that, but i'm convinced it will work!

// Jonathan Vanasco

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