On Jul 20, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Michael Peters wrote:

For some reason, some people are hesitant
to run multiple versions of apache on the same machine, but there are lots of
people who do it all the time and it works out just fine.

If you're concerned about running 3 apaches (1 for mod_perl, 1 for PHP and 1 for
the proxy) then you can use a smaller lightweight proxy like squid.

off the top of my head, there were a lot of library conflicts between mp and php regarding mysql at some point. the fix was to compile everything from source. it has to deal with the way the distros were bundling php/mysql onto apache. that could easily be your problem.

you can also just run 1 version of apache w/3 config files ...

you should never run php & mod_perl on the same server for content generation ( if you're doing auth/filltering, thats another story ). they have completely different designs regarding memory use and application flow. you're wasting a ton of resources doing it like that.

i know i advocate this ad-nauseum, but its fucking fast and simple to set up:

        port 80: nginx
port 8000-9000: whatever mod_perl stuff you want, either by port or vhost on a single port
        php: run via fast-cgi through nginx

you don't need to do php in apache. you're likely better off getting php out of apache : if you're running both dso's loaded into a server, its competing against mod_perl for resources ( children , max requests cause respawns, etc ) ; if you split out into multiple servers, you're dealing with the apache overhead. you can just forget apache and run php without it. it works. it works really really well.

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