Hello Perrin,

I'm interested in how you defined your handler with the 'method' attribute:
sub handler : method {

I've read http://perldoc.perl.org/attributes.html about attributes, but it does not seem to suggest that tagging the method attribute to subroutine has any programming advantages, unless you're interested to list the subroutines with that attribute. But I suspect there's more to it.

Perhaps you can clue me in on this?

Perrin Harkins wrote:
On 8/21/07, Jeff Pang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
PerlHandler Package::Name

instead of:

PerlHandler Package::Name->handler

So on the first case,we need to write the handler as
sub handler { my $r = shift; ...}
because Apache may call the function directly as Package::Name::handler.

on the second case,we write handler as,
sub handler { my $class = shift; my $r = shift; ... }
because '->' is a method calling.

For method handlers, you also have to declare it differently.

In mod_perl 1:
sub handler ($$) {

In mod_perl 2:
sub handler : method {

- Perrin

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