I should have also noted that I'm using ModPerl2, Apache2, It's running
under Registry, and keep-alive if off. Thanks again. --JAK

On 9/21/07, jk jk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to port a preexisting CGI app to mod_perl2 and could use some
> help.
> Here goes a test case that should illustrate my problem:
> The code pasted below loads the page properly the first time it's
> accessed.  However, upon multiple reloads in firefox, the headers either
> disappear altogether or the page is downloaded in the download manager.  I
> assume this is because the wrong $r object is being accessed by the
> request?  In any case, I'm at a loss and would really appreciate some
> input.  Thanks in advance.
> ---------------------------
> ---------------------------
> File: tester.cgi
> =============
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use lib qw(.....);
> use testme::testmod;
> my $r = shift;
> my $object = testme::testmod->instance($r);
> $object->printme();
> 1;
> =============
> File: testme/testmod.pm
> =============
> package testme::testmod;
> use Apache2::RequestUtil;
> use strict;
> use base qw /Class::Singleton/;
> sub printme{
>     my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
>     my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
>     $self->{r}->content_type('text/html');
>     print "A Page of Rendered HTML\n";
> }
> sub _new_instance{
>     my ( $class, $r ) = @_;
>     my $self = {};
>     bless $self, $class;
>     $self->{r} = $r;
>     return ( $self );
> }
> 1;

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