On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 15:03:46 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On 10/16/07, Mark Maunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This server has no proxy in front of it and only serves mod_perl
> > requests. Static content is loaded from another server with a
> > different hostname.
> Even so, if you run prefork, you need a proxy server.  The reason is
> explained in detail here:
> http://www.modperlbook.org/html/12-5-Adding-a-Proxy-Server-in-httpd-Accelerator-Mode.html
> In short, running a proxy will usually lower the number of mod_perl
> processes needed significantly.

If my understanding is correct then if you use Apache 2.2 as a proxy
server with an even MPM you can even use KeepAlive on the front-end. The
question is whether allowing KeepAlive on the backend server will allow
the proxy server to reuse this connection to serve several clients or
will just basically lock this proxy connection for the whole duration of
a single client connection.

There are some references about "connection pooling" to the backend
server in mod_proxy documenation (ProxyPass Directive section):


But I'm not sure this is relevant to http reverse proxies.

jozef kosoru

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