On Nov 7, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Michael Peters wrote:

Boysenberry Payne wrote:

Is Apache::SharedMem working with mod_perl2 the "same" way it did with

Don't know, haven't used it. It hasn't been updated since 2001, so either it's
perfect and hasn't needed any changes or it's not being maintained.

Yeah, that's why I asked...

Is Apache::SharedMem the "preferred" way to handle sharing memory
between apache children?

It's definitely not "preferred", but I'm not sure what is. It depends on what you're doing with the data and how often it changes. If it's static you can just load the data at startup in a Perl module. If it changes a lot you can use BDB. If it's something that needs to be shared by multiple machines then use something external like MySQL. If it's just some cached data then use something
like memcached or Cache::FastMmap.

Does memcached or Cache::FastMap work with apache's shared memory pool?

I'm basically trying to organize my references along 3 lines:
-       runtime data dumped with each request
-       per child data sticks around as long as the apache child exists
- apache shared data sticks around for the life of the root apache process

I'm sure there are other memory areas to deal with, but those are my primary concerns.

I'm looking for a way to control where my references point to in memory.

For example, a already have startup.pl file included in apache's root httpd.conf
in the form of:

in the httpd.conf file:
# Startup file for loading assets into memory
PerlRequire                                     /directory/to/startup.pl

and in the startup.pl file:

        use lib qw(/directory/to/perl_mods);

use Apache::DBI ();
...(many more too)...

In this situation if its possible (which it should be for my own modules) I would like the package symbol table and contents to be loaded into the shared server wide memory.

How could I insure the packages aren't loaded into each child process?

If a package is loaded into "shared" memory is "our" and "my" handled the same as they are
when its loaded into the apache child process memory?

Are modules loaded using "use ModuleName;" in an apache startup.pl file
loaded into shared memory
or copied to each child separately?

There's nothing special about "use". "require" would work just as well. The thing to remember is that you need to load the Perl modules into the Apache process's memory before it forks. Anything loaded before the fork will be shared
(as long as it doesn't change) with Copy-On-Write.

I'm sure I've read about Copy-On-Write, better safe than sorry, have any links you can point me at that will allow me to understand it better? I want to make sure if I write I don't copy unless I'm sure that's what I need to do (like for temporary runtime changes.)


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