On Nov 14, 2007 6:17 AM, Laurent MARTIN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've checked my whole disk and I've got only one 'perl' binary, ie. the one
> provided with Leopard (I haven't compiled Perl by myself) and installed in
> /usr/bin.

Did you upgrade this machine though?  It's possible that you had a
different perl before and that Archive::Zip was compiled with it.

> And if I run 'file /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_perl.so', I get this:
> /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_perl.so: Mach-O 64-bit bundle x86_64
> Is this an explanation why things to not run the way depending on CGI vs
> mod_perl mode?

I don't know enough about how "file" behaves on Macs to answer that
one, although I agree it sounds wrong.

- Perrin

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