Boysenberry Payne wrote:
I only ask because I tried a $r->status(Apache2::Const::OK) and got a
 500 returned in the header even though my handler returned with
Apache::Const::OK also...

To avoid the 500 header I had to do $r->status(200); I imagine the status code isn't going to change too soon, so I ought to be okay,

The HTTP/1.1 status codes are defined in RFC 2616 [0], section 6.1.1. I doubt they will change any time soon, so it should be fine to use the numbers.

However, if your constants aren't working like they should, it's probably worth figuring out why.

I always include my constants with the following line. Deviating from this specific syntax always seems to break stuff for me.

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common);



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