On Wed 30 Jan 2008, titetluc titetluc wrote:
> This would mean that :
> . MySessionModuleVerifyCookie  would be first called, verifying if the
> cookie is present and correct
> . If no cookie, then basic authent is requested
> . if basic authent ok, then MySessionModuleGenerateCookie generates a valid
> cookie

Sorry, but I haven't really understood what you are trying to achieve. I 
assume you understand the difference between authentication and authorization 
and how they work together. If not try to figure that out first.

1) Perhaps you want to replace a specialized cookie named Authorization header 
with a general purpose cookie. (The Authorization header is nothing else than 
a specialized cookie.)

This can easily be done by forging the Authorization header in a request phase 
that comes before (or even in) Auth if the general purpose cookie is there 
and correct. In a phase after Auth (like Fixup) you can then add your cookie 
if it is not there. Then all your documents would have to be secured by 
normal Auth-configuration. This can be done with Apache 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2.

2) If you are looking for a more general solution (which I believe you are) 
then for Apache 2.0+ have a look at the Auth*Authoritative directives, e.g. 
AuthBasicAuthoritative. Almost all Auth-modules implement such a directive. 
Your specialized-cookie-module would also have to implement such one. Then 
you can chain Authentication-modules together. If an Authentication module is 
authoritative it returns HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED if the user identity cannot be 
verified. If it is not authoritative it returns DECLINED instead passing the 
responsibility to the next authentication module.

3) With Apache 2.2 came authentication providers. They allow to chain 
different identity verification sources. But all of them are based on the 
same identity information that is passed in by the client (browser). Among 
geoff's modules is one that provides a perl interface to that.


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