Can be anything really, though I admit I'm not in the know. Sometimes it's simply a business decision: perhaps moving development off-shore to companies that are full of Java/ .NET people? Can't find enough competent mp developers?

Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
I've heard from a few reputable sources that Amazon is looking to drop mod_perl, and push into another technology ( which I've also head is likely to be Java ).

They have a HUGE deployment on mp, and have been my prime "Um, not enterprise? Hello, AMAZON." repsonse.

I know that people 'in the know' can't comment on record... however I'm wondering if anyone with second-hand intel has heard , and can share :

    a- what the bottleneck / scaling issues were
b- were these due to apache/mod_perl, or because of the framework implementation... and this is just an opportunity to switch technologies while they switch frameworks ( ie, is MP to blame, or Template Toolkit... and MP is taking a fall since its going to be a PITA to ditch TT ) c- what the hell the financial projections were on doing this. are they looking to save on hardware scaling, developer scaling, is the codebase just unmanageable? this would be a costly transition

// Jonathan Vanasco


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