I was referred to this mailing list from the following thread on perlmonks 
For years I have been using modperl and have been quite fond of it, the idea of 
persistant perl interpereter is excellent.The problem however lies with using 
modperl securely for multiple sites. Ideally, the desired solution is to have 
each site run in a chroot jail for security, have each site execute under it's 
own user/group and have a modperl instance for each site.Up until now the best 
solution I have been able to come up with is as follows:Implementation 1: 
Top Level Apache Server, Port 80, ModProxy 
This serves requests via ModProxy to the respective apache servers with 
mod_perl.Site 1 Apache Server, Port 8081, ModPerl 
This server runs an instance of ModPerl and all scripts required for Site 
1.Apache User: site1Site 2 Apache Server, Port 8082, ModPerl 
This server runs an instance of ModPerl and all scripts required for Site 
2.Apache User: site2This allowed me to have seperate modperl instances, this is 
done for three reasons: 
1) ModPerl does not support user based processes2) This prevents pollution 
between instances & secures one mod_perl instance from another.3) Each instance 
can be chrooted for additional security.The problem with this configuration is: 
1) Requires a new http server for each additional site/modperl application2) 
Apache creates a set of workers for each instance (ususally about 7). With 7 
required for the Top level proxy, and 7 for each site, this soon adds up. 
e.g. 5 sites = 7 + (5 * 7) = 49 child 
workers---------------------------------Implementation 2:A new solution I have 
been working on is to have a single Apache server with chrooting suexec and 
speedycgi.The setup is as follows: 
1. Create a Chroot Jail for Apache (Extra Security Measure). 2. Modify suExec 
to allow chrooting before suid and process execution.3. Install Apache into 
Chroot Jail4. For each site:
a. Create a Jail for each site that includes perl + speedycgib. Create a 
virtualhost which specifies SuExecUserGroup and the ENV variable used for the 
chroot.How it works: 
Apache first resides in a jail, it then serves non-perl requests to static 
objects as per normal. When a request for a perl script is made: 
Apache chroots into the site's jail using suexec. Suexec changes to the correct 
site's user.SpeedyCGI then either:
Loads a script into speedy-backend orExecutes a script cached in 
1) Provides persistant perl WITH suexec for per-virtualhost user execution2) 
SpeedyCGI handles dynamic data, Apache handles static, hence you don't require 
a covering proxy as described in 
http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/strategy.html3) The timeout property in 
speedycgi means that a script with low or no load will drop out of memory, this 
means high use scripts will run in persistant perl and low use scripts will 
load into memory then remove themself when they are no longer being activly 
used. Disadvantages: 
1) Speedycgi seems to be no longer in development, whereas modperl is still in 
active development.2) I have read somewhere that speedycgi is not as fast as 
modperl (will have to benchmark the two later).3) Since speedycgi with timeout 
enabled fades out with inactivity, the first request to an inactive script 
requires all the modules to be reloaded, whereas modperl exists in memory 
indefinitly and can load a script on server start, rather than first request. 
---------------------------------I was wondering if I could get some feedback 
on both these designs. I have been researching and testing the second solution 
over the last few days and would like to get some input.a) Is there a better 
way to achive this goal?b) Is there a way to make modperl scale and attain the 
desired results without creating a new server for each instance (Implementation 
1)?c) Have I missed anything (security etc. (Implementation 2))?d) Is there a 
better solution (fastcgi/pperl etc.)?e) What are there any downsides (other 
than those listed above) to either of these implementations?Finally, are there 
any suggestions/ideas?James Austin 
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