On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 12:23:35 -0500
"Stephen Clouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My problem is that I don't even know where or how to start tracing or
> debugging such an issue to determine precisely what is scribbling on
> perl's memory.  If this was a standalone app, it would be simple
> enough to run it through gdb and trace everything out, but in a
> mod_perl environment....
> Any advice on how to proceed is greatly appreciated.

  Hey Stephen, 

  This definitely sounds like a problem you're going to need a
  debugger to figure out.  Check out this article I wrote on
  debugging and profiling mod_perl applications: 


  You'll need to install the Apache::DB module from CPAN, but
  once you get it setup and running it gives you access to
  the full Perl debugger. 

  Hope this helps! 

   Frank Wiles, Revolution Systems, LLC. 
     Personal : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.wiles.org
     Work     : [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.revsys.com 

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