Hi Stephen,

"Stephen Clouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...
> ...I did manage to figure out the issue today.  You may or may not be
> surprised to find it was this:
> my $foo = "bar" if $baz;

Yikes!  My bad :-) It must've been a different scary memory error that I 
encountered with List::Util.

> Apparently one of the previous programmers left about 100 such constructs
> littered about the Perl and Mason code.  Fixing them cleared up all the
> bizarre issues.

I too was "one of those guys" who liberally littered his code with the 

  my $foo = 'bar' if $baz;

I unlearned to do it too, a few months back, which must have been why your 
errors "rang a bell" with me.  My co-workers had to track down that is was 
my {declaration + assignment + conditional} that was throwing the scary 
memory errors.  I never saw it.  I'd been doing it for years, and prior to 
that I had no idea it was A Bad Thing to do, and I said as much to them, 
"it's always worked fine for me!"

I wish it would still DWIM, and by that I mean the compiler should detect 
my declaration + assignment + conditional and rewrite it for me as what I 
meant which was simply:

  my $foo = $baz ? 'bar' : undef;

That's how I've been rewriting these since then.

It seems a no-brainer that when no-brain people like me write this, they 
mean to make the assignment conditional, not declaration of the variable, 
so that:

 declaration + assignment + conditional == declaration + (conditional 

I've already (finally) unlearned to do that, but I agree with Andy that the 
cost of people's ignorance (especially doing something that's worked as 
expected for so long) shouln't cause "rampant memory corruption".  It 
should maybe DWIM or die or warn, but not dump core :-)


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