Am I missing something, Fred, or is there actually something in that
test that indicates how to read the exit status of the process (i.e.,

I have read this a number of times, but have yet to find anything
relevant there.

The short answer is no, spawn_proc_proc() does not return the exit status.

The long answer is you can probably do this with mod_perl if you dig into the APR libraries and use apr_proc_wait to call the program:


Several of the apr functions are mapped in the mod_perl-2.0/xs/APR directory. Unfortunately apr_proc_wait is not one of them, perhaps APR::Proc is the right place to expose this function? (Gozer|Toersten??) I'll defer to the wisdom of others on this list who are more experienced in this area.

Hope that helps a bit - it looks like it can be done but just hasn't been done yet. If you are at ApacheCon next month feel free to track me down and I'll see if maybe we can hack it into place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 12:46 PM
To: Berg, Eric
Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Re: Checking Return Codes in Apache2::SubProcess->spawn_proc_prog()

I'm using spawn_proc_prog() to run external programs from
apache, but
can't find any docs on how to check the return status.  It doesn't
appear to set $?, nor have I found any reference to
variables or methods
that would provide that information.

Can anybody help me with this?
Was this part of the documentation useful or did it not explain what you need?


The specific problem that I'm trying to solve has to do
with executing
CVS commands from within the context of Apache2.  CVS returns both
STDOUT and STDERR in response to, in this case, the rdiff
command.  It
is sometimes possible to check the content of STDERR to
determine the
status of a command, but the STDERR is often valid output.
I suppose
that using the -q to suppress output of nice-to-have STDERR
is an option
too, but I'm looking for something more discrete.

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