André Warnier wrote:
I am trying the 4 receipes one after the other, in order of easiest to more complicated.

Torsten Foertsch wrote:

2) replace $r->handler('modperl') in the aaa phase by $r->add_config(['SetHandler modperl']). This way you override the handler set in the configuration structure. In the fixup phase it is then automagically copied to $r->handler.
When I try this, I get an Apache error with the following logfile message :
[Tue Oct 14 16:19:39 2008] [error] [client] $r->add_config() has failed: SetHandler not allowed here at /usr/local/lib/apache2/perllib/AUTH/ line 416.\n

3) leave the $r->handler('modperl') and add a $r->add_config(['SetHandler none']);

When I try this, I get an Apache error with the following logfile message :
[Tue Oct 14 16:10:40 2008] [error] [client] $r->add_config() has failed: SetHandler not allowed here at /usr/local/lib/apache2/perllib/AUTH/ line 414.\n

So it seems that something does not like the $r->add_config from within an AAA method, or at least not when trying to change the handler.

> 4) set $r->handler in a fixup handler.

this works :

    $r->set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler => []); # disable authorization
    $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&_send_login_form);
    $r->set_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => \{$_[0]->handler('modperl')});

Many, many thanks for all the explanations and tips.

I doubly appreciate not only because my immediate problem is solved, but also because I learned a lot in the process.

It seems to me that this whole thread could be collected and re-arranged into a Tutorial on mod_perl phases, authentication, interactions with Apache etc.. but honestly at the moment I don't know where to begin.

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