On Tue 14 Oct 2008, Torsten Foertsch wrote:
> On Tue 14 Oct 2008, André Warnier wrote:
> > When I try this, I get an Apache error with the following logfile
> > message : [Tue Oct 14 16:10:40 2008] [error] [client
> >] $r->add_config() has failed: SetHandler not allowed
> > here at /usr/local/lib/apache2/perllib/AUTH/StarLogCookie.pm line
> > 414.\n
> That is an apache error. SetHandler needs the FileInfo override flag,
> see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#sethandler. So,
> the correct command would be:
>   $r->add_config(['SetHandler ...'], Apache2::Const::OR_FILEINFO)
> or simpler
>   $r->add_config(['SetHandler ...'], ~0)
> (since you know what directive you are adding).

Maybe others are interested too, here are 2 private messages:

On Wed 15 Oct 2008, André Warnier wrote:
> Ok, I did, and it seems to work too :
> So I have 2 sequences that work :
> a)
>   $r->add_config(['SetHandler modperl'], ~0);
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler => []); # disable authorization
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&_send_login_form);
>   #$r->set_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => sub {
> $_[0]->handler('modperl') } );
> b)
>   #$r->add_config(['SetHandler modperl'], ~0);
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler => []); # disable authorization
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&_send_login_form);
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => sub {
> $_[0]->handler('modperl') } );
> Now, can you explain ?
> I don't even understand what "~0" means..

On Wed 15 Oct 2008, Torsten Foertsch wrote:
> On Wed 15 Oct 2008, André Warnier wrote:
> > 1) you mentioned that it was due to a Apache bug.
> Did I really say bug? I meant an Apache error message. You'll see the
> same message if you try something like that:
> <Directory />
> AllowOverride AuthConfig
> </Directory>
> and then have an .htaccess with a SetHandler directive in it.
> SetHandler needs "AllowOverride FileInfo". But only AuthConfig is
> set.
> The 2nd parameter to add_config is a AllowOverride bit field. It
> limits what kind of directives are allowed to be added. Think of it
> as if you have read the directives from an untrusted source (like
> .htaccess).
> > 2) I do not have a clue why the above would work around that bug.
> Apache wants here not only to be told to add the SetHandler but also
> to be ensured "Yes, that is what I want. Just do it!".
> ~0 means all bits turned on.


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