2008/10/13 Fred Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo wrote:
>>        maybe is important to say how  compile apache and modperl ....
>>        (it was very difficult):
>>    Can you try compiling mod_perl as a shared object?  Static module
>>    support for mp2 is not as well supported.
>>    perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/path/to/httpd/apxs
>> I will try it  .....
>> mmm.... maybe it is another thread... but I prefer static modper  for  the
>> next arguments:
>> 1. I guess the static modperl is faster than dynamic .... I  know that
>> dynamic is more  maintainable that static;  for my aplication  i require
>>  modperl more soon;
> Maybe it is faster, maybe it isn't.  Either way, it is very unlikely that
> you would run up against this difference as a bottleneck in your
> application.
>  2. When modperl is dynamic i had some segment fault when i share objects
>> at the start of apache; when is static i don't have problem ... (maybe  i
>> some errors  in my code)
> That could be - if you could post those faults and also your startup.pl
> program we may be able to help.
>  there are things that worry me:
>> 1. In my linux distribution (gentoo) there are not any package with static
>> modperl
> >
>> 2. I see that most of the community uses modperl as dynamic ... maybe  is
>> it  a sign of die the static modperl?
> Building mod_perl as a static module was the defacto standard with
> mod_perl1, just as building as a dynamic module is defacto with mod_perl2.
>  I would not try to get caught up in the differences though and suggest that
> you try to get a working build as a dynamically loaded module.  If you
> encounter problems there, they will definitely be of interest to the rest of
> us who build mod_perl as a shared object.
>> what is the opinion of community ?
>> greetings
well.... my problem was resolved with next steps:

my distribution is gentoo ... i have installed several versions of gcc
(maybe this cause my problem), then with gcc-config command configure
default version of gcc to 4.1.2 ....  follow the instructions at:

and that's all

see you

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