fREW Schmidt wrote:
I would like to configure apache such that the errors for a specific virtual host get logged in their own file. I tried something like this:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
   ErrorLog "C:/location/of/acd/logs/error.log"
      use lib 'C:/location/of/acd';
      $ENV{MODE} = 'development';
    ScriptAlias / "C:/locattion/of/acd"
   <Location  />
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler ACD::Dispatch
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all

But it seems to be ignoring my ErrorLog directive and still puts the logs in the regular place. What am I doing wrong?

Are there other virtual hosts too? That config would make that particular vhost put it's error_log at C:/location/of/acd/logs/error.log. Typically people just have a different path in their ErrorLog directive for each vhost.


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