
I am trying to set variables for the Atlassian Crowd PerlAuthzHandler based
upon the type of request that is being received by the apache server.

The chunk from my httpd.conf file looks something like the following:

<LocationMatch ^/path>
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Crowd Auth"

  PerlAuthenHandler Apache::CrowdAuth
  PerlAuthzHandler Apache::CrowdAuthz

  PerlSetVar CrowdAppName app
  PerlSetVar CrowdAppPassword *******
  PerlSetVar CrowdSOAPURL

  <Limit GET>
    PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups reader,writer
    Require valid-user
  <LimitExcept GET>
    PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups writer
    Require valid-user

What I'd like is for members of the reader or writer groups to have GET
access and only members of the writer group to have everything else (mainly
for POST) access.

The problem seems to be that the 'PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups writer' is
overwriting the
'PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups reader,writer' call for all requests, not
just the method that I'm trying to limit each setting to. The opposite is
the case if I swap the two lines around.

Am I doing anything obviously wrong? or is this just the way it works.

If it's just the way it is then does anyone have any ideas on how to call
PerlSetVar with different values based upon the request type? or suggestions
on a better way to do what I'm trying to do?

Thanks in advance,


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