Erik Aronesty wrote:
Maybe ModPerl::Registry should do this, but not mod_perl itself. If someone

Yes, it's a problem with ModPerl::Registry, I agree.  It's not mentioned here:

Where it should be.

Absolutely, i'll patch the docs to add a link to the perl reference page over the weekend.

is trying to get an old CGI script to work under mod_perl then they'd use
Registry. But there's no reason to make the rest of us suffer for their old

# This isn't an "old"'s a simple program,
# and no amount of "strict or warnings" will help debug it

 use CGI;
 my $x =CGI::param('foo');


 sub y {
       print "content-type:text/plain\n\n?$x\n";

If you add use strict and use warnings to that script, you get this in your error_log:

Variable "$x" will not stay shared at /usr/local/prefork/perl/thing.cgi line 10.

which, with a quick googling of 'mod_perl variable will not stay shared', turns you to a number of resources talking about the problem, and it's solutions.

And for what it's worth, it seems that running under ModPerl::PerlRun makes it work alright, albeit with 2 warnings in the error_log:

Variable "$x" will not stay shared at /usr/local/prefork/perl/haha.cgi line 10.
Subroutine y redefined at /usr/local/prefork/perl/haha.cgi line 9.


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