so when i tried the httpd.conf approach i ran into a problem. i added
this to my conf file:

<Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
       PerlOptions -InputFilter -OutputFilter

but when i ran "apachectl -t" on it i got this syntax error:

Invalid per-directory PerlOption: InputFilter

so it seems that while PerlOption is allowed at the directory level,
the InputFilter and OutputFilter options are not. (i actually couldn't
find a relevant section in the docs about that so i am unsure.)

it is my preferred solution to be able to turn the filter off for
particular directories via the conf file so it is my fading hope that
i'm doing something wrong?

if i am not then my plan of attack is to use PerlSetVar. then my conf
file would look like so:

<Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
       PerlSetVar EnableMyFilter false

and my input and output filter handlers would look something like this:

sub handler : FilterRequestHandler
        my $f = shift;

        return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if $f->r->dir_config (
'EnableMyFilter' ) eq 'false';


does that approach sound correct?

or is that i need to add an enabling / disabling filter into the
filter chain in front of my filter that reads the PerlSetVar option
and then either leaves my filter in the chain or uses something like
"$f->next->next...->remove" to remove it?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Torsten
Foertsch<> wrote:
> On Thu 30 Jul 2009, Torsten Foertsch wrote:
> Sorry, I hit return while one of my left hand fingers rested on the CTRL
> key and the MUA interpreted this as "send mail now".
> So, here comes the rest of what I wanted to say.
>> On Wed 29 Jul 2009, Mike Barborak wrote:
>> > is there magic to remove filters for a subdirectory or even disable
>> > mod_perl altogether?
>> A filter can remove itself on first invocation ($f->remove). It can
>> also remove any filter further down the filter chain
>> ($f->next->next...->remove).
> So, you can write a simple filter that checks things and removes the
> next filter in the chain if necessary. Then you insert this filter
> right before the unwanted one.
> You can also disable mod_perl for certain request phases:
> or completely:
> Torsten
> --
> Need professional mod_perl support?
> Just hire me:

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