Adam Prime wrote:
Artem Kuchin wrote:
I have run into a problem. I want to have my packages
precompiled in apache process with

PerlModule X:Y

X:Y is my own package with is located in the site directory.
The site is a virtual host.

However, this apache also has many other virtual hosts with ALMOST the same
software with a package named X:Y, but a little bit modified.

So, in those virtual hosts i also need PerlModule X:Y

The problem is that mod_perl cannot find X:Y until i specify
PerlSwitches -I/host1/dir

But this works globally and cannot be specified per virtual host. I am stuck here,
but i need this personalizaed for each virtual host.

Any workaround?

PerlOptions +Parent

I personally don't have any experience with this, but there are a number of threads in the archives about it, some of which actually do have confirmation that people managed to get it working right (IIRC)


I believe there may also be a subtle misunderstanding here:
An Apache Virtual Host is not, by itself, a separate process or thread.
All Apache children processes (pre-fork) or threads (worker) are created equal; they ALL "contain" all virtual hosts. A Virtual Host is only a "personality" that the child/thread which is handling the current request adopts temporarily, to handle this current request. At the next request, the same child/thread may take the personality of another Virtual Host. The only way to "personalise" something "for this Virtual Host", is to make it totally dynamic, executed on a per-request base.

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