
I've been attempting to fine-tune my server.

The apache/mod_perl processes are around 90 Mbs - to start with. 

I've preloaded a lot of code in the startup file and that makes the shared 
memory space about 6 Mb. I can now see how my processes do not grow due to code 
being loaded when it is requested. 

But I'm struggling to understand why my processes are so huge. Using top with 
the DATA field that shows that almost all the 90 mbs is data not executable 
code. If this is the correct interpretation of that? (Indeed it looks like it 
is swapping straight away as in some cases the data is greater than the 
resident memory and must therefore be in virtual memory). 

There is some convoluted code which loads 16 mbs of data into memory when it 
serves a request - which I have not yet tracked down. (It is a complicate 
custom searching application ....) but the processes start at 90 Mb even before 

I'm wondering if anyone can advise me on how I could go about trying to 
understand where this 90 Mbs is comming from? Some of it must be the mod_perl 
and apache binaries - but how much should they be, and apart from the 6mb in 
shared memory for my pre-loaded modules, where is it all comming from?

many thanks

Justin Wyllie

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