Rolf Schaufelberger wrote:

Am 24.10.2009 um 12:13 schrieb André Warnier:

Rolf Schaufelberger wrote:
It always has googleads as referer with a very long refer string and what das the 502 status mean?

Ok, I can read what's written there, but what does it mean ?
I still have no idea, what leads to that error. As far as I understood this, my backend server send something else but no HTTP message to the frontend server.
But  why?


502 Bad Gateway
The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the downstream server.

It means that your front-end server received this request ("GET /"), from some client, which apparently was at the time displaying a page which itself had been obtained from the long link that you see in the message. (It does not mean that the request itself came from a Google server; it just means that on some page of Google somewhere, there is a link that points to your site, and that someone clicked on it).

Now, we don't know what the configuration of your front-end and back-end servers are, nor what is exactly proxied to your back-end server when the front-end server receives a request for "/". But the error code 502 that is in the log (see description above) seems to indicate that your front-end server passed this request somehow to a back-end server, and that it received an invalid response from the back-end server. Why that is, is also not known to us, and quite impossible to figure out with the information you provided.

If I had to make a guess, I would say that the problem has nothing to do with this request in particular, and that your front-end server is just configured with too many children or threads, compared to the physical memory it really has. So when many requests come in and it tries to fork more children/threads to handle them, it runs out of memory.
Reducing MaxClients may be a first option.

About reproducing this access with LWP, sure :
lwp-request -m GET http://your-server-name/
but that is not going to tell you much.

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