David E. Wheeler:
On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:04 AM, Artem Kuchin wrote:

You mean each child process creates a new database CONNECTION (not process) ?
The process is just one multhreaded mysql. But this is exactly what i want. I 
do not want any
connection sharing because of the locking issues (lock tables). But they still 
accumulate and after a
couple of hours mysql runs out of connections. The weirdest thing is that there 
are two sites, running
pretty much the same software (minor changes to user part, no changes to db 
part). Connections
from one site accumulate, connection from other site do not accmulate - 
disconnect work fine.

Might you have connections starting in parent processes and not getting dropped? 
Are you using Apache::DBI or DBI->connect_cached or DBIx::Connector?


Nope, i don't use those. Just plain DBI. Parent process does not open up any connections.


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