Denis Banovic wrote:
Hi Willian,

Thanks for your checklist, I've run through it, segfaults still there...
Right now it takes less then a minute from apache restart to the first segfault.
This is from the error_log from the RedHat 5 Production machine:

Apache2::RequestIO::print: (103) Software caused connection abort at
The guys from rackspace are saying that I should recompile all my perl modules 
installed directly from CPAN ( see above ) , do you think this would help?
Or has someone another hint?

Just my grain of salt : in my own experience, 99% of the "segfault" cases I have encountered, was when Apache or Perl tried to run a piece of code not meant for this machine (such as a library meant for another machine or another OS version).
Maybe one of the modules you are using installed a wrong library ?
In that sense, the guys from rackspace may be right, although I believe that the CPAN modules don't generally contain object-code libraries, or else they do compile them at installation.
So maybe it is a library from the RHEL repository which is wrong.

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