Hi Randal, sorry my message wasn't concise enough, perhaps I was letting the haze of it reflect my haze of this problem...

Anyway, this is not a hosting environment. This is an application, for example like GMail for Business is an email application that lets a business, like mine, go to:


There my users can log in and check their mails.

I assume the "1200group.com" is being used as a key to identify which database to lookup the users in, or something similar.

I want to accomplish the same:


So all users of "clientA", if they go to the above link, would be prompted to log in and my MyAuthCookieDBI would handle this on the fly.

On a side note, Matisse Enzer the author of Apache2::AuthCookieDBI just informed me that I can override the methods in his module like this:

*Apache2::AuthCookieDBI::_dbi_connect = sub { # your code goes here };

So there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel, but I do see a large truck coming towards me in the form of the next problem which is I need different authentication methods for different uses of my application. I'm not too sure if I can change Auth methods on the fly in MyAuthCookieDBI, or if I need to assign these different authentication schemes to different path directives. I suspect the small light at the end of my tunnel is in fact a bullet train...

Thanks again for letting me clarify Randal!


Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
"Tosh" == Tosh Cooey <t...@1200group.com> writes:

Tosh> I want to setup an application for multiple clients, each of whom have 
Tosh> own users.

Tosh> http://www.site.com/clientA/application.pl
Tosh> http://www.site.com/clientB/application.pl
Tosh> http://www.site.com/clientX/application.pl

Just an aside, but

(a) can your clients load their own code onto the server without you
    intervening, and if so
(b) do all of your clients *absolutely* trust each other?

I'm saying this because I'm not sure if you realize that the trust domain for
mod_perl is the entire server.  If I can upload code to the same server you're
using, I can mess up your day, pretty bad, because the Perl interpreters are
necessarily shared.

For example, I can patch the loaded CGI.pm so that if it sees your code and a
secret extra parameter, it automatically gives me complete access to your

This is why there are no "shared hosting" plans for mod_perl that don't
require running completely separate clusters of apache servers.  There's
nothing like "su-exec" for mod_perl - it's not even possible.

McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC - http://www.1200group.com/

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