
I use Archive::Zip to generate zip files on the fly in Modperl 2.04 with
code similar like this:

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();  
my $member = $zip->addFile( '/home/testimg/test1.jpg', 'testfile1.jpg' );
if ($member){
  $member->desiredCompressionLevel( 1 );
$member = $zip->addFile( '/home/testimg/test2.ppt', 'testfile2.ppt' );
if ($member){
  $member->desiredCompressionLevel( 1 );
if ( $zip->numberOfMembers() ){
  unless ( $zip->writeToFileHandle( \*STDOUT, 0) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK) {
    print STDERR "Zip error: $!";

This works fine with Archive::Zip version 1.26 but fails with version 1.30
I checked the ARchibe::Zip code and could not find anything that can cause
the problem accept for the change from using Compress::Zlib to

The error is: 'IO error: seeking to rewrite local header : Invalid argument'

If I use desiredCompressionLevel(0) then there is no problem but no
compression is done.

The error is only related to Mod_perl.  As a console script it runs fine.
Problem is on both Windows and Linux (perl 5.10).

Has anyone any idea what might be the problem? or have an alternative


Thomas den Braber 

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