Thank you for the information. I didnt know that what login and logout
scripts were doing was setting/clearing the cookie.

Juan Manuel Parrilla

El 21 de enero de 2010 19:15, Ihnen, David <> escribió:

>  I happen to have just finished debugging my latest authen/authz
> cookie-based authentication module last night, so this is **really** fresh
> in my head.
> So right now you’re using AuthType basic.  Change that to something else
> specific to your module.  The basic auth will no longer respond.
> Program an authentication handler (point to with PerlAuthenHandler
> directive).  It returns Apache2::Const::DECLINED if the ->auth_type doesn’t
> match your custom type.  Authen handlers set the ->user of the requestrec
> object (probably by reading and validating a cookie in this case).  If
> authorization is required for the request and you didn’t set a username, you
> should probably return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN.  If it succeeded or it
> doesn’t matter, you can return Apache2::Const::OK;
> Program an authorization handler.  (point to with PerlAuthzHandler
> directive).  This use the Apache2::Access::requires method to get a list of
> your authentication requirements from the auth config in apache’s config
> file (like Require valid-user).  And Apache2::Access::satisfies to determine
> how you  interpret the list of requirements.
> If you want to use a straight login page, If Authorization fails, set error
> header ‘Location’ to the location of your login script and return
> Apache2::Const::REDIRECT from the handler.
> If you want to use an error document, If Authorization fails, return
> Apache2::Const::AUTH_REQUIRED or Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN from the
> handler.  (configure ErrorDocument 401 or 403 respectively)
> If authorization succeeds, simply return Apache2::Const::OK.
> I also have handlers functions for LOGIN and LOGOUT which set and clear the
> auth cookie.  That’s different though – Authen/Authz is the part where you
> decide if the user is recognized and is allowed to access, which is what you
> asked about.
> David
> *From:* Juan Manuel Parrilla Gutiérrez []
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2010 9:26 AM
> *To:* mod_perl list
> *Subject:* Re: Use form instead of AuthType Basic (pop-up windows)
> Hello, I am sorry if I didnt explain me properly.
> What I want to know is understand how use a formulary instead of AuthType
> Basic. I know there are several modules that are doing this, but it is not
> about using one, it is about understanding how.
> I am doing my own Auth module (just to learn about it and mod_perl) and I
> would like to use a form instead of pop up window, and using CGI is not an
> option because I want to use Authz and Authen handlers.
> What I need are the basic steps to move from AuthType Basic to use a form.
> Thank you very much for all your answers,
> Juan Manuel Parrilla Gutierrez
> 2010/1/21 André Warnier <>
> Juan Manuel Parrilla Gutiérrez wrote:
> Hello, this is my first message to this list and I am also a bit new to
> mod_perl.
> My question is simple, in all the documentation I have found about mod_perl
> and auth (like practical mod perl, or writing apache modules in perl and c)
> they are always using AuthType Basic, so when the users tries to acess some
> protected content, a pop up windows will appear to ask for name/pass.
> What I want to do is to use a formulary instead of that pop-up window. As
> far as I know looking at AuthCookie, for example, there they define
> "AuthType Sample::AuthCookie" and they also define a and
> different
> configs in the conf files.
> I want to know the different steps to define and use a form instead of
> AuthType Basic.
> Have a look here :
> and scroll to the section
> If you install that module, it comes along with examples.
> AAA is tricky, and maybe not the easiest way to start playing with
> mod_perl.  But this documentation is well-done, and should get you started,
> if you follow it carefully.

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