2010/2/20 Torsten Förtsch <torsten.foert...@gmx.net>
[ ... ]

> - is there a portable way to get all open file descriptors of the current
> process? Under Linux one can readdir(/proc/self/fd). On Darwin I once
> simply
> closed all fds from 0 to 1000. Some systems have getdtablesize(2),
> sometimes
> it is getrlimit. Sometimes you can open /dev/something or
> /proc/self/something
> and read the descriptor table at a certain offset. What the module should
> do
> on Windows I simply don't know.

I think just closing stdin and stdout is likely to be enough, or maybe all
file descriptors from 0 to $^F .  The OS will close any others that have the
close-on-exec bit set, and the close-on-exec bit is set by default by Perl's
open function.  Anybody setting this to something different probably
understands the consequences.


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