Iain Kennedy wrote:

Is there a data structure that gets passed to each response handler in
the chain that the processed file can be stored in (like $f->ctx)?

Can the old mod_perl1 ->filter_input behaviour be done by manipulating
the input_filter or output_filter stacks?

Is what I'm trying to do vaguely sane, even? With the following directive:

PerlResponseHandler +Module::Test1 +Module::Test2

I'm not sure, but i don't think you can really do that in mp2, i think you need to read about how filters work in mp2, then do something like

PerlResponseHandler Module::Test1
PerlOutputFilter Module::Test2

where Module::Test2 has been rewritten using the filter API. Geoff Young gave a talk about filters at an apachecon many moons ago that i found particularly helpful, you can still find the slides here:


Having both Test1 and Test2 process the HTML response body in turn with
mod_perl1 was pretty straightforward. I reckon I must be missing
something pretty obvious, surely?




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