On 11/29/2010 2:27 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
A new CMS service was put into place by the ASF
sysadmins over the past few months, and it makes
very good use of subversion, modperl2 and libapreq2.
To see it in action you need to be an Apache committer
and visit https://cms.apache.org/, but the code
is publicly available at


Would love feedback on the design and implementation
details, especially as it's based on Subversion and
I had a bit of trouble with some of the existing perl
glue for SVN (e.g, couldn't make heads or tails out of
what the glue for `svn status` produces so i used the shell,
and tainted variables don't play well with the glue either).

At $work we built a CMS on top of git, but in python and with a heavy helping of ExtJS for tree views and drag and drop support that other fancy gui elements. Having the version control system underneath the CMS is incredibly powerful. We've been using it for our production sites for maybe a year and a half now.

I haven't looked at the code, but after a quick walk around the admin interface it looks pretty nice. Quite different from what we did, mostly because we wanted non-technical people, and people that had no idea what version control was to be able to make the updates, but in it's way it's more powerful. It wouldn't suit our needs quite as well as what we've got, but it's definitely a great start.

We've talked about opening ours up, but there's probably a lot of non-fun work that would have to happen to be able to do that, so it hasn't been pursued very actively.


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