It's a bug in the merge code for mod_apreq2.  Basically
you have to set APREQ_ReadLimit to its max value
in the main server's context (not in a vhost or Location
or Directory config).

Otherwise use the code in apreq's trunk.

>From: "Hibbard, Timothy" <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 1:23:45 PM
>Subject: Uploading Files bigger the 64M
>Uploading Files bigger the 64M I am having all sorts of troubles uploading 
>bigger then 64M using mod_perl2.
>Any file I try to upload that is bigger then 63M I get the following error.
>(20014)Internal error: Content-Length header (723283299) exceeds configured 
>max_body limit (67108864)
>So I told myself lets do a little research .... It is Perl so this should be 
>easy to fix.  After a little of researching I found the APREQ2_ReadLimit 
>parameter for the httpd.conf.  So I added this to my httpd.conf.
>APREQ2_ReadLimit 1024M (1 Gig)
>Restarted Apache and tried again .... Still no luck with same error message. 
> Back to researching.
>I found 2 more things which I thought would solve my problem.  I found 
>my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r,POST_MAX =>100 * 1024 * 1024);
>And also
>$req->read_limit(100 * 1024 * 1024);
>So I tried playing with these settings and all I get now is “Conflicting 
>information” in my log files.  As soon as I set POST_MAX or read_limit to 
>anything below 67108864 it works fine for all files less then 64M in size.  
>can I get mod_perl2 to upload a 700mb file.  If you need sample code of what I 
>am doing I am more then happy to provide it.
>Thanks in advance,
>Tim Hibbard
>Senior Program Engineer
>Ohio University
>Athens, Ohio 457-1 


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