Hi all,

I'm putting together a mp2 application where I'd like to trigger authentication 
from within a PerlTransHandler, and not from httpd.conf.

As I understand it, the following should work:


use Apache2::RequestUtil ();

$r->add_config(['require valid-user']);

$r->push_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler => 'My::App::Authen');
$r->push_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler => 'My::App::Authz');


But the authen handler doesn't get called.  If I add the require line to httpd 
conf, it does.

I've tried including AuthName and AuthType in the call to add_config, moving 
this to a PerlPostReadRequestHandler, setting PerlOptions +GlobalRequest and 
other tricks, to no avail.

$r->get_handlers('PerlAuthenHandler') confirms that the handler is set, and 
$r->requires (using Apache2::Access) indicates that the valid-user requirement 
has actually been set.

I'm running mod_perl 2.0.4, perl 5.12.3 and Apache 2.2.17 on Fedora 14.

What am I missing?  Is there something else that could prevent this from 
working, when it works just fine if I set requires in httpd.conf?

Any pointers would be very much appreciated!


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