On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Szekeres, Edward
<edward.szeke...@perkinelmer.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply....clarifications

For what it is worth, I'd suggest building mp2 as a shared object;
this approach is very well tested.  You may be able to build as a
static module, but that can take some additional effort, and that
build option is not as widely tested.

Building as a dso is simple - 'perl Makefile.PL
MP_APXS=/usr/local/bin/apxs', or just 'perl Makefile.PL' if your apxs
is in $ENV{PATH}.  This requires that you build Apache outside the
mod_perl build, but for that I usually './configure --enable-so
--with-included-apr --prefix=/path/to/my/apache'.

> 1) Perl 5.12.3 was compiled without thread support as per the mod_perl 2.0 
> installation directions
> 2) I have tried adding the "--with-included-apr" option without luck
> 2) As per the mod_perl documentation for static I am not pre-compiling Apache 
> but was allowing the mod_perl 2.0 process to handle that
> 3) I  was trying to match a pre-existing configuration which was using Apache 
> 1.3 with  mod_perl 1.0 statically linked in.  While it would be preferred to 
> keep the configuration the same, I am not sure it is mandatory.
> 4) what is also interesting is if I repeat the mod_perl configuration command 
> again, I do not get that "Can't find apr include/ directory" error, and the 
> config proceeds fine, however the make just throws a bunch of errors which 
> seem to be apr related...
> Edward
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Moyer [mailto:f...@redhotpenguin.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:33 PM
> To: Szekeres, Edward
> Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Installation help [mod_perl 2.0.5/apache 2.2.17/perl-5.12.3]
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Szekeres, Edward 
> <edward.szeke...@perkinelmer.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am attempting to get a clean up-to-date install Apache with static
>> linked mod_perl (using  current stable releases for Apache (2.2.17)
> I didn't see the arguments you used to compile apache in here.  But would 
> suggest using --with-included-apr as a build option.
> A couple other questions:
> 1) Do you specifically need threads?  If not, it is generally advised to 
> compile Perl without them.
> 2) Do you need mod_perl2 statically compiled?  Most users choose to compile 
> it as a shared object, which is widely tested.
>> and mod_perl
>> (2.0.5) from .tar.gz files download from respective repositories) but
>> am at a frustrating dead end.  I am looking for any suggestions as I
>> have an immediate need for this.
>> Here are the steps I have taken (multiple times):
>> 1)      configured a new RHEL 5 32 bit virtual machine with 2 CPUs and
>> 4G RAM using "software development" template and no additional
>> software (no httpd), default PERL install of 5.8.8...
>> 2)      all RHEL updates as of 4/17 applied
>> 3)      download source for PERL 5.12.3, and installed
>> a.       # ./Configure -des -Uusethreads
>> b.      make, make test, make install  (no errors)
>> 4)      installed from CPAN  "Bundle::Apache2" (tried both with and
>> without this step, # /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.3 -MCPAN -e "install
>> Bundle::Apache2")
>> 5)      though was using the official  .tar.gz distribution of Apache,
>> I did run ./buildconf in the Apache source directory for consistency
>> (no errors)
>> 6)      executed the mod_perl config in the mod_perl source directory:
>>  # /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.3 Makefile.PL MP_USE_STATIC=1
>> MP_AP_PREFIX=/root/httpd-2.2.17  MP_AP_CONFIGURE="-with-mpm=prefork"
>> and this is always the result at the end, what is interesting is that
>> in all the previous config steps, there don't seem to be any issues in
>> finding and working with apr related stuff....
>> Configuring Apache/2.2.17 mod_perl/2.0.5 Perl/v5.12.3
>> Checking if your kit is complete...
>> Looks good
>> Use of uninitialized value $v in substitution (s///) at
>> lib/Apache2/Build.pm line 1330.
>> [  error] Can't find apr include/ directory,
>> [  error] use MP_APR_CONFIG=/path/to/apr-config
>> (END)
>> Thinking there was maybe a conflict with RHEL apr I did try running #
>> yum remove apr* to remove RHEL related packages....
>> repeated the whole process same result....same results with Perl 5.8.8
>> I really can't believe that virgin stable release TARs on a pretty
>> much standard RHEL 5 installs would be this difficult to get to work.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated....
>> Edward S. Szekeres, Jr., Ph.D. | Director of Bioinformatics
>> PerkinElmer DNA Sequencing and Analysis Services PerkinElmer | For the
>> Better
>> edward.szeke...@perkinelmer.com
>> Phone:  +1 203.433.3237   |   Fax:  +1 203.481.0433   |   Mobile:   +1
>> 203.738.9524
>> 29 Business Park Drive, Branford, CT 06405 USA
>> www.perkinelmer.com
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