Wanted to let you know I accidently stumbled on a something that worked,  I had 
noticed that if I ran the mod_perl config twice, the second time it ran it 
would not show that apr directory-not-found error, however the make would fail 
with some APR related errors,  however,  if I added the "--with-included-apr" 
option to the MP_AP_CONFIGURE option to the mod_perl config, then again ran the 
command twice, the first time it would fail with the directory not found error 
as before, the second time it ran through completely, *BUT* this time 'make' 
ran without a problem and the rest of the process ran error free.  I then 
checked with 'httpd -l' and mod_perl.c was listed in the built in module list.  
I am trying to test the now running web service to see if everything functions.

Not quite sure what that all meant....but it seems I now have a static  linked 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Moyer []
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:44 PM
> To: Szekeres, Edward
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Installation help [mod_perl 2.0.5/apache 
> 2.2.17/perl-5.12.3]
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Szekeres, Edward 
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply....clarifications
> For what it is worth, I'd suggest building mp2 as a shared object; this 
> approach is very well tested.  You may be able to build as a static module, 
> but that can take some additional effort, and that build option is not as 
> widely tested.
> Building as a dso is simple - 'perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/bin/apxs', 
> or just 'perl Makefile.PL' if your apxs is in $ENV{PATH}.  This requires that 
> you build Apache outside the mod_perl build, but for that I usually 
> './configure --enable-so --with-included-apr --prefix=/path/to/my/apache'.
>> 1) Perl 5.12.3 was compiled without thread support as per the 
>> mod_perl
>> 2.0 installation directions
>> 2) I have tried adding the "--with-included-apr" option without luck
>> 2) As per the mod_perl documentation for static I am not 
>> pre-compiling Apache but was allowing the mod_perl 2.0 process to 
>> handle that
>> 3) I  was trying to match a pre-existing configuration which was using 
>> Apache 1.3 with  mod_perl 1.0 statically linked in.  While it would be 
>> preferred to keep the configuration the same, I am not sure it is mandatory.
>> 4) what is also interesting is if I repeat the mod_perl configuration 
>> command again, I do not get that "Can't find apr include/ directory" error, 
>> and the config proceeds fine, however the make just throws a bunch of errors 
>> which seem to be apr related...

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