This may not be related, but when I was working with Centos 5 in a
Vmware environment, I ran into an issue of high cpu since the default
clock rate with Linux 2.6 is 1000Hz.  I changed to a 100Hz clock rate
and got much lower cpu usage.

I'm not sure if that is your issue, perhaps FC14 was using less than a
1000Hz clock rate.  You might try a tickless kernel, or dig further
into what clock rate your kernel is using.

I don't know where the authoritative source for this information is,
but here's what I found with a search:

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Christopher Stanton
<> wrote:
> I have a MJPEG streaming system which uses mod_perl in the web
> interface to supply the final stream to the client.
> I am seeing high cpu utilization under RHEL5.6 which I don't see on
> FC14. We are talking sub 10% on FC14 vs 80% on EL5. This is on
> different hardware, but not that different. And on EL5 the httpd
> session is way higher (cpu wise) than the supplying proxy. On FC14 on
> my test rig I see (for a 25fps stream) 15-18% CPU for the proxy which
> can handle multiplexing etc and 5.5-8% for the mod_perl httpd session.
> I think this is an issue with that platform, but I haven't seen
> any/many reports. Does anyone have a sec to look at the source? I
> don't think I have implemented this is a horrible inefficient way but
> who knows. It is true, I could have byte markers and then know the
> size of the JPEG I am expecting rather than just splitting on the
> boundary field, but in tests (and production) it seemed to work ok.
> Any comments or critiques would be appreciated,
> Christopher
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> On FC14:
> Requires: httpd >= 2.2.17-1
> Requires: mod_perl >= 2.0.4-11
> Requires: mod_ssl >= 1:2.2.17-1
> Requires: perl >= 5.12.3-141
> Requires: perl-CGI >= 3.51-1
> Requires: perl-Digest-SHA1 >= 2.12-4
> Requires: perl-XML-Filter-BufferText >= 1.01-9
> Requires: perl-XML-Simple >= 2.18-7
> Requires: perl-XML-Validator-Schema >= 1.10-5
> Requires: perl-Tree-DAG_Node >= 1.06-8
> Requires: perl-LDAP >= 0.40-2
> Requires: perl-Crypt-SSLeay >= 0.58-1
> Requires: ffmpeg >= 0.6-4
> On EL5:
> Requires: httpd >= 2.2.3-45
> Requires: mod_perl >= 2.0.4-6
> Requires: mod_ssl >= 2.2.3-45
> Requires: perl >= 5.8.8-32
> Requires: perl-Digest-SHA1 >= 2.11-1
> Requires: perl-XML-Filter-BufferText >= 1.01
> Requires: perl-XML-Simple >= 2.14-4
> Requires: perl-XML-Validator-Schema >= 1.10-1
> Requires: perl-Tree-DAG_Node >= 1.06
> Requires: perl-LDAP >= 0.33-3
> Requires: perl-Crypt-SSLeay >= 0.51-11
> Requires: ffmpeg >= 0.6.1-1

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