Well, as what usually happens when you post to a mailing list and publicly ask for help, I figured it out. I am humiliated to admit that my problem was an apache configuration, so the DocRoot for the VirtualHost was resolving to the first VirtualHost's DocRoot instead of the proper VirtualHost's DocRoot. ::sigh::

This code:

my $document_root       = $r->document_root();

returns the proper docroot for the virtualhost as long as your apache settings are correct! A day wasted on something completely stupid!

Huge thanks to the folks that offered to help. Your support is deeply appreciated. =)

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels

On 10/20/2011 03:04 PM, Jordan Michaels wrote:
Hey Folks,

I'm pretty new to mod_perl but not new to programming in general. I'm
working on a mod_perl Apache module and I'm trying to find the way to
get the Document Root of the Currently requested VirtualHost.

I can get the currently requested domain name easily enough with:

my $servername = $r->get_server_name();

But getting the document root for that domain is proving to be a
challenge with VirtualHosts.

running this code:

my $document_root = $r->document_root();

Returns the first VirtualHost's document root, and not the document root
of the domain that's being requested.

I'm pretty sure I'm just missing something noobish here, but any
pointers on how to go about getting the document root of the current
requested VirtualHost would be *deeply* appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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