I would want to create or add a Database table connecting the user's to
the company. This way a simple login could direct all customer requests
to specific company websites. And also linking to data tables and
special web directs. This will also increase service for your companies
by providing custom contact lists as your user base increases.

Jay Scherrer
On 11/28/2011 11:37 AM, André Warnier wrote:
> Vincent Veyron wrote:
>> Hi Group,
>> I host a web service for my customers (ex : insurance_company.com) on a
>> virtual host (*); my customers in turn want their customers (the
>> policyholders) to have access to the data, while using their internet
>> name instead of mine.
>> This works fine with the ServerAlias directive inside the VirtualHost
>> directive :
>>  ServerAlias extranet.insurance_company.com as-pro.biz
>> and the appropriate DNS settings.
>> That way, the policy holder can type
>> 'http://extranet.insurance_company.com/clients/login' and have access to
>> the data, transparently hitting my server at as-pro.biz.
> Not really. I think you need to read up more on how VirtualHosts work.
>> My problem is the following : I have a handfulf of potential clients (3
>> now, 6 at most), who all want the login form to the service customized
>> with their logo. I cannot however know which logo to select before the
>> user fills in the form.
> Well, you can, because each customer (or customer of customer)
> presumably uses a different hostname to reach the server.
>> The names API :
>> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/ServerRec.html#C_names_
>> was apparently a solution for me, but it is not implemented in 2.0, and
>> I am not able to code it.
>> Is there another way for me to pass to my PerlResponseHandler which
>> ServerAlias was used?
>> (* : the service processes insurance claims for sick leaves; if you care
>> to see what it looks like :
>> http://as-pro.biz/clients/login?nom_utilisateur=152&mot_de_passe=152
>> )
> It sounds like something which you could easily do in Apache itself,
> using the mod_rewrite module.  Make as many copies of your login page
> as you have customers, as login_customer1.html, login_customer2.html
> etc.. (with the correct logo in each).
> Then set up your VirtualHost as follows:
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^customer1.biz
> RewriteRule "/login\.html$" "/login_customer1.html" [L]
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^customer2.biz
> RewriteRule "/login\.html$" "/login_customer2.html" [L]
> etc..
> At least that's the general idea.
> Check this for details and more info.
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html
> (of course you could also set up one VirtualHost per customer..)
> To get the hostname which the client used to reach the server, use this :
> $r->hostname
> from
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/RequestRec.html#C_hostname_
> This gives you the hostname that was mentioned in this request, not
> the one that is in the ServerName directive of the configuration section.
> There is a difference.

Jay Scherrer, PTP

"Anyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; 
he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the treasury; there 
is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes." Leonard Hand - Supreme 
Court Justice

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