
I've noticed that when using password "Blahblah_" I can not authenticate 
against a webserver protected by Apache2::AuthenNTLM using BASIC auth - other 
passwords I have tried are "Blahblah."  / "Blahblah#" - if I change the users 
password to "password" everything works fine.

Why is this happening? See below.

wget --auth-no-challenge -d --no-proxy --http-user="citrixtest1" 
--http-password="Blahblah_" http://server/location_protected_by_AuthenNTLM/

---request begin---
GET /location_protected_by_AuthenNTLM/ HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Wget/1.11.4 Red Hat modified
Accept: */*
Authorization: Basic Y2l0cml4dGVzdDE6QmxhaGJsYWhf
Host: server
Connection: Keep-Alive

---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 04:06:59 GMT
Server: Apache
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="TEST"
Content-Length: 401
Keep-Alive: timeout=600, max=10000
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

---response end---
401 Authorization Required

If I log into my domain controller and change the password to "password" it 
works fine.

wget --auth-no-challenge -d --no-proxy --http-user="citrixtest1" 
--http-password="password" http://server/location_protected_by_AuthenNTLM/

---request begin---
GET /location_protected_by_AuthenNTLM/ HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Wget/1.11.4 Red Hat modified
Accept: */*
Authorization: Basic Y2l0cml4dGVzdDI6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Host: server
Connection: Keep-Alive

---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 04:10:49 GMT
Server: Apache
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Cache-control: no-store
Cache-control: max-age=0
Content-Length: 739
Keep-Alive: timeout=600, max=10000
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

---response end---
200 OK

My apache config looks like so..

  <Location "/location_protected_by_AuthenNTLM">
    # Enable the Authentication module
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenNTLM

    # Do NTLM and basic authentication
    AuthType ntlm,basic

    # The name that should be displayed in the Auth box, if NTLM fails
    AuthName TEST

    # Ask for a valid user.
    require valid-user

    # Format: domain pdc bdc
    # Domain : Your windows domain
    # pdc : Primary Domain Controller
    # bdc : Backup Domain controller

    # Note : Multiple domains can be specified.

    PerlAddVar ntdomain "TEST iskdc01 iskdc02"

    # What should be the default domain
    PerlSetVar defaultdomain TEST
    PerlSetVar fallbackdomain TEST

    # The user names are in the form "OURDOMAIN\user_name". Let us split it.
    PerlSetVar splitdomainprefix 0

    # Set the debug variables
    PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 2
    PerlSetVar ntlmauthoritative on
    PerlSetVar ntlmsemtimeout 5


Kris Glynn | Systems Engineer
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P 07 3295 3987 | M 0434 602 997
E kristen.gl...@virginaustralia.com 
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