mike cardeiro wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>

And it doesn't ?
The startup message of your Apache seemed to say that it does..

Yes, it now is running and I am on my way!

Good, then..

about your wish to limit the size of the files someone can upload,
depending on how much they are already using.

You should look at the documentation of CGI.pm, the "CREATING A FILE UPLOAD FIELD" section, and particularly the part about the "hook" function. I have never tried it, but there should be a way there to interrupt the upload and abort the POST processing whenever the read file size goes over your limit.

It doesn't really require mod_perl though, it is part of CGI.pm.

You can also look at $CGI::POST_MAX in the same documentation.
The mere fact that this parameter can be set at the script level, seems to indicate that it is dynamic, and that you could set it, at least as long as you have not started parsing the POST itself (e.g. not called any param() yet).

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