So duplicating a path in -I and "use lib" casues a dump?

Smells like a bug to me.

On 20 Feb 2012, at 14:25, Mauritz Hansen wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for this pointer. Got it fixed in the end by changing a part of my
> Apache configuration from
> PerlSwitches -I/srv/www/
> <Perl>
>   use lib qw( /srv/www/ );
> </Perl>
> PerlModule application
> to
> <Perl>
>   use lib qw( /srv/www/ );
> </Perl>
>> On 17 Feb 2012, at 14:03, Mauritz Hansen wrote:
>>>   #17 0x000000000046432b in invoke_cmd (cmd=0x5b9880,
>>> parms=0x7fffffffe770, mconfig=0x844728, args=0x89b7d8 "use lib qw(
>>> /usr/local/apache2/virtualhosts/ /httpdocs/lib/ );\n") at
>>> config.c:757
>> This appears to be what it's trying to do. Take that directive
>> out and see what happens?

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