Jordan Michaels <> writes:

> I'm using ActivePerl but that doesn't really matter to me. mod_perl is
> what is important for this project, so if I have to switch to
> "Strawberry Perl" (never heard that term before, lol), then that
> should be fine.
> If any installation instructions exist for that I would be most grateful.

Strawberry Perl [0] is a Perl distribution "designed to be as close as
possible to perl environment on UNIX systems". I assume it would run

As for installation instructions, the document you linked in the first
article includes them --- see the 'Building from sources section' [1]. I
do not know if they are accurate / updated, but you can try them. These
should work on any Perl distribution, including ActivePerl and
Strawberry Perl.

You may also look at Perl distributions that include mod_perl. For
example, IndigoPerl comes with mod_perl preinstalled. Unfortunately,
it's an ancient version of Perl (5.10). If you can live with that, it
might be the easiest way to install mod_perl. There may be other
distributions with mod_perl preinstalled.

Marius Gavrilescu

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