>>>>> "Torsten" == Torsten Förtsch <torsten.foert...@gmx.net> writes:

Torsten> Though, I wouldn't go this way. I'd either try to force CGI.pm to read
Torsten> from STDIN and use the perl-script handler
(http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/config/config.html#C_perl_script_). This
Torsten> pushes a PerlIO layer to STDIN so that you can read from STDIN. On top
Torsten> of that you can push :utf8 then.

Yeah, just coded that.  In a BEGIN block in my app, I monkey-patched

  ## monkey-patch CGI.pm so we can get proper utf8 handling
  require CGI;
  # warn "defined &CGI::read_from_client is ", 0 + defined

  ## moose 'around' would be nice here. :)
  my $read_from_client = \&CGI::read_from_client;
  no warnings 'redefine';
  *CGI::read_from_client = sub {
    local $CGI::MOD_PERL = $CGI::MOD_PERL;
    warn "prior MOD_PERL is $CGI::MOD_PERL";
    if (our $USE_STDIN_FOR_MOD_PERL) {
      $CGI::MOD_PERL = 0;
    warn "after MOD_PERL is $CGI::MOD_PERL";
    goto &$read_from_client;

And in my toplevel, I now do this:

sub activate {
  my $self = shift;

  require Carp;
  local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;

  ## ensure utf8 CGI params:
  local $CGI::PARAM_UTF8 = 1;
  ## and disable mod_perl handling during read_from_client
  local our $USE_STDIN_FOR_MOD_PERL = 1;

  binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
  binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
  binmode STDERR, ":utf8";

  return $self->SUPER::activate(@_);

(This is my CGI::Prototype-based code, from the CPAN...)

I'm properly getting the $CGI::MOD_PERL set to 0, which forces
read from STDIN (via $r) instead of the native STDIN.  In theory.  In
practice, even though I've done a binmode STDIN, I'm still getting raw
bytes from read(\*STDIN...), not utf8-tagged strings.

Not sure what to do next.  Still frustrated.

Why can't the world just use ASCII? :)

(I even tried binmode STDIN, "encoding(utf8)" just now as well.)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<mer...@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
Still trying to think of something clever for the fourth line of this .sig

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