Hi There,

Somehow images get corrupted when i read and then download them with a modperl script using File::Read or File::Slurp. The images are not really broken but they get blurred and dont look like before they are uploaded. When i download them directly from the webserver directory where they are stored they are ok.

I have also tried the script below but no success.


print $args->{base}->{CGI}->header( -type => $mimetype, -attachment => $document );

    my $fname = $file;

    open my $in, q{<}, $fname or die qq{Could not open file <$fname>: $!};

    open my $out, q{>&STDOUT} or die qq{Cant dup STDOUT: $!};

    my ($more, $buf);
        $more = read $in, $buf, 4096;
        print $out $buf;
    } while $more;

    close $out or die $!;
    close $in  or die $!;


Any hints that can help me out....?

Thanx in advance!


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