On Wed, 04 Feb 2015 20:22:52 +0100
Michel Jansen <michel.jan...@web-ict.com> wrote:

> Hi There,
> Somehow images get corrupted when i read and then download them with a 
> modperl script using File::Read or File::Slurp. The images are not 
> really broken but they get blurred and dont look like before they are 
> uploaded. When i download them directly from the webserver directory 
> where they are stored they are ok.


I can't comment on your code, but instead of slurping the file in your script, 
you could try to issue a redirect to the browser, so that it gets the file 
directly from the web server, to see if that solves the problem; something like 

    my $location = '/path/to/file' ;

    $r->headers_out->set(Location => $location) ;

    return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT ;

                                        Salutations, Vincent Veyron

Gestion des contentieux, des dossiers de sinistres assurance et des contrats 
pour le service juridique

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