Your perl -V output shows:


which means you have the 64-bit-int version of Strawberry Perl.

My builds are (out of necessity) for the normal 32-bit-int versions,
named "no64" -- as suggested by the names of my zip files, and as I
clearly stated in the announcement emails.

Please try again with the "no64" version of Strawberry Perl.

Ideally try using 5.18.4 to match the version of Strawberry Perl that
I used. Your perl -V shows 5.18.2, although in theory they should, of
course, be binary compatible.

On 3 March 2015 at 00:25, André Warnier <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am a bit confused now.
> I have downloaded
> (for which many thanks anyway, no matter what follows).
> I tried to use that first on my old and venerable Windows XP 32-bit SP3
> laptop.
> When trying to compile a small test module (see below), I got a compilation
> error :
> C:\develop\06_SVN\AP2lib\trunk\modlib\AM>perl -cw
> panic: no address for 'Apache2::Const::compile' in 'Const.xs' at
> C:/strawberry/p
> erl/lib/ line 92.
> Compilation failed in require at line 9.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 9.
> Line 9 is :
> use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(REDIRECT);
> or just
> use Apache2::Const;
> But this (old and venerable) laptop is also quite messy, so I didn't trust
> it all that much.  I thus tried this all again on a much more recent and
> clean 64-bit Windows 7 Pro workstation, on which there is installed :
> - StrawberryPerl 5.18 32-bit , in c:\strawberry.
> - Apache 2.2.29 32-bit (ApacheLounge :
> in c:\apache2
> The full versions of both can be found in the attached file
> "test_mp2_compile.txt".
> Following the instructions in the mod_perl zip file above, I copied
> - the zip-file's "Apache2" directory over C:\Apache2
> - the zip-file's "Strawberry" directory over C:\strawberry
> Then I tried to compile the small partial module again (source shown also in
> the attached text file). And I first got the errors successively shown in
> the attachments screenshots.
> The first (error_01) popup seems to tell me that the file "libaprutil-1.dll"
> isn't found, after which I get some strange perl compiler error.
> The file is there however, as shown in error_03.jpg.
> That is apparently solved by adding "C:\apache2\bin" to the system PATH
> variable (which the ApacheLounge installation doesn't do).
> But then, trying to compile the test module again, the popup doesn't occur
> anymore, but I get another compile error as shown in "error_04.jpg", which
> is the same error as on my old and venerable and messy laptop (which seems
> thus to be not so totally messy after all, at least not in that respect).
> What am I missing (on both systems) ?
> André
> Steve Hay wrote:
>> On 15 Feb 2015 16:37, "Michael Lackhoff" <> wrote:
>>> Am 15.02.2015 um 17:15 schrieb Steve Hay:
>>>> I will put some new ones up at
>>>> soon, by they'll be 64-bit only for now.
>>> Thanks! Though it might be difficult to get everything else I need in
>>> 64bit, too.
>>>> If you want 32-bit then the easiest way is to build it yourself using
>>>> a perl that you built yourself with the same compiler.
>>> Is there a recommended compiler? I use Strawberry perl, do you know
>>> which compiler is used for that perl? As you say, it would be better to
>>> use the same. And I would like to stick to it because there are so many
>>> binaries of difficult modules already included.
>> Unfortunately you'll need to use VC++ for now because mod_perl doesn't
>> currently support gcc/dmake (which is what both StrawberryPerl and
>> ActivePerl now use). I hope to fix that soon, though...
>>>> You just need to get APXS from
>>>> and run something
>>>> like
>>>> perl --with-apache2=C:\apache --with-apache-prog=httpd.exe
>>> do I also have to compile apache myself? Or just put the src under
>>> c:\apache?
>> A prebuilt one, say from Apache Lounge, using the same VC++ should be ok,
>> but I build Apache from source too just to rule out any possible
>> compatibility problems.
>> It's the binary installation, not the source tree, that you need in
>> C:\apache in my example.

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