Michel, if you go into your browser's network debugging console(usually
CTRL+SHIFT+I in modern browsers) and look at the response headers for the
ajax request, do you see a cache-control header? If so, what does it say?
If you're seeing something similar to the following:


then $r->no_cache(1) is working and the problem lies elsewhere in your


On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Michel Jansen <mailmas...@web-ict.com>

> Hi Paul,
> You wrote:
> Helle Michel,
> Are you calling $r->no_cache before any response data has been sent?
> Yes. Before setting the content type to text/html.
> When you say the browser receives a '0' in the response, what do you mean
> exactly?
> My Ajax responder sends some fields separated by | which are being split
> and then distributed into a page. The 0 is received by the JavaScript which
> performes the Ajax request as first response and is then connected to the
> first field.
> Do i make sense ?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Michel Jansen <michel.jan...@web-ict.com>
> wrote:
>> if i add $r->no_cache(1) to an ajax responder perl script the browser
>> receives a 0 in the response, what am i doing wrong?
>> Regards,
>> Michel

John Dunlap
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