For anyone who wants to use ModPerl and APR with Apache HTTPd v2.4 
on NetBSD 7 (installed via "pkgin"), this Problem Report that I 
submitted to the NetBSD web site will probably be of interest to you:


        The problem I'm having is that I can't install the p5-libapreq2 
package since it depends on Apache HTTPd v2.2.  I need this package 
to use cookies (via the Apache2::Cookie API), and so it's a major 
show-stopper for me.

        I think it's very important that ModPerl should include in its 
documentation for compilers the importance of the APR modules since 
cookies (and other APR features) are important.  My hope is that this 
way it could prevent these mis-steps in the future (this has happened 
to me before, and I couldn't keep up to date to the newest versions 
because of it, and I worry that this might discourage some web 
developers who also really like ModPerl).

Randolf Richardson -
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

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