
I have some questions regarding mod_perl, threads, thread-safe functions, 
special vars scope...

"if you chdir() in one thread, all other thread now see the current working 
directory of that thread that chdir()'ed to that directory"
Do we speak about threads from threaded MPM ?
(so the specific Apache process which owns the thread running this Perl script, 
and all its (the process) threads, will chdir()).

From the same page :
"Other usually problematic (non thread-safe) functions include readdir(), 
srand(), etc."
Why readdir() would not be thread-safe ? I can't see why. Perhaps readdir() 
chdir() to read a directory content ?
How could we then read dir content being thread-safe ?

"In the mod_perl situation where the child server doesn't usually exit, if in 
one of your scripts you modify a global variable it will be changed for the 
rest of the process' life and will affect all the scripts executed by the same 
So in a threaded MPM, if one of the threads modifies one of the special Perl 
variables, it will instantly affect all other threads of this process ?

What about variables like $? ? (return code of system() calls)
And ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} ? (return code too)
Does their value stay local to the thread ? / Does each thread have these 
variables with their own proper value ?
Or is it unsafe to read them because they could be modified by another thread ?

Thank you very much for your clarification,

Best regards,


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